Sunday, January 20, 2013

Gluing the Side to the Front Soundboard

Once I had the side bent to a shape that was close to the final desired shape, I glued it in place against the front soundboard.  There is very little material to hold the two pieces together so the joint is assisted by the use of kerf blocks.  These are small blocks that line the joint and give extra material for each piece to glue to.
The kerfing is made by first cutting a long strip of poplar wood into a triangle cross-section.  Then about every quarter of an inch you cut almost all the way through the wood so that the strip ends up as a flexible piece that can bend around the shape of the guitar curves.
Here's a picture of the kerf strip as I made it:

It was difficult to make the strip as flexible as I wanted it without breaking it.  I decided as I was using it that I would use it mostly as individual blocks instead of as one long strip.  You don't lose much strength that way and it is easier to manage.  Here is how it looked after gluing one side in place:

I'll do the other side the same way next.

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