Monday, September 9, 2013

Stringing the Guitar

Well, I have not finished several things including the final clear coat finish, but I couldn't wait to try it out.  So I went ahead and put the strings on it temporarily.  I mentioned in the last post that I used wood glue on the bridge.  I found out that was not the best choice.  As I tightened the strings almost all the way to where I wanted, there was a loud pop.  I wasn't sure what it was at first, but it turned out to be the bridge-to-body glue bond breaking.  It didn't move a whole lot because the pins were still sticking through the body holding the strings.
So I cleaned the wood glue off and used Gorilla Glue on the retry.  That worked much better.

So after all that, here's how it looks.

I am pretty happy with the way it looks and sounds (mostly).  The finish has some issues and I found that at least one of the frets is too high.  The action is too high as well, but I think I can trim down the saddle to fix that.  I'm going to play with it a little bit and then remove the strings to apply the finish.  All in all, it is close to finally being done and it is not so bad.

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