Sunday, December 25, 2011

Truss Rod Part II

I received the die I ordered and threaded the end of the rod.  Then I took a piece of 3/4" x 3/16" metal bar and made the part of the truss rod that holds it in place.  The threaded end of the rod goes through the bar and the shorter end fits in a stopped hole drilled part way through.  Finally, the truss rod is wrapped in metal tape.  I was not able to get the rod wrapped smoothly, but I think it will be okay.

The only other issue I have is that I have not yet found a brass standoff.  I only have a brass nut.  The book recommends a standoff because you can more easily turn the nut.  It is important to use brass so if any thread gets stripped it is the nut and not the rod.  You don't want to try replacing the rod down the road.

I'm still waiting on the router bit I ordered so I can't install the rod yet.

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